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March 17, 2011



Are you aware that Bell believes in the universal reconciliation of every person?


No, which page was that on?


p. 91, p. 108, p. 197-198.



I think it is clear from Love Wins that Rob believes that God wants all to be saved, BUT it’s also clear Rob believes that humans have free will and that God will never coerce someone to accept his love and be “saved.

Here is what he said in a recent interview on RelevantMagazine.com: "...sometimes when people say the word “universalism,” I think they mean that at some point God just swoops everybody up into heaven. Like, “Come on, everybody—everybody is in.” And the problem with that is, I believe love wins, and the very nature of love is freedom. So if at any point God co-opts your ability to choose, we no longer are dealing with a loving God."

So the controversy with Rob's position is not so much "universalism" as it is usually defined, but the concept of post-mortem repentance - an opportunity (or multiple opportunities) for people to repent and turn to Christ after this life.


I don't see the dichotomy you are trying the draw (about Bell) from your last sentence. Bell seems to insinuate that in the end "love wins", and that this love will melt even the hardest of hearts. Sure, he believes that one will not be coerced into this relationship, but that the choice will be made freely (whether before or after death). So, I would maintain that the controversy surrounding Bell is not just about the concept of post-mortem repentance, but about whether God will see to it (through his wooing) that every person born into the world will necessarily repent (a "universalistic" concept).

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