This Sunday night about twenty-five people will gather in our home for our inaugural Launch Team meeting. Jessica and I will share our vision for The Gateway Church and its mission to join God in the renewal of all things.
As our team begins to form we will immediately begin to serve together and build relationships in hopes of adding people to our Launch Team and creating a positive image and buzz in Des Moines.
This phase of our church is crucial. We are laying the foundation of who and what The Gateway Church will eventually become. The cultural DNA of our church will begin to take form.
Our prayer is that as this small group of people comes together we will begin to embody the vision and the values the Lord has placed on our hearts. That we would become a life-giving community engaging in God’s life-changing truth and committed to life-long spiritual growth. A church committed to worship and beauty - unleashing the creativity inside the human spirit to change the world through global outreach, community transformation and church planting.
Over the next few days I will be sharing a number of strategic actions we plan on taking as we prepare this team for our Opening Day - September 13th, 2009.
The first will be Discovering our Church.
In this stage we will seek to discover who we are as a team. God has already blessed us with a beautifully eclectic and multi-talented team. There are a variety of faith-backgrounds represented and each one is on a different place on their spiritual journey. In fact, the one thing that most of us have in common is that we all carry some amount of negative baggage from the church.
During this stage we will seek to understand God’s mission for our church. Each of us will bring our own individual ideas and expectations for what this church will be. It is important that we begin seek God together and align around the specific mission God has given us. We will work to identify and repent for attitudes that might impede us from loving one another and reaching out to our world.
We will also begin to learn and appreciate the variety of
skills and capacities within the Launch Team and identify resources already
available to begin to love and serve our city.
Sound like fun? Sign up HERE.