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August 18, 2008


George P. Wood

Good post, Paul! (As always.) I know it's a very unpostmodern thing to say, but I think we Pentecostals and evangelicals could use a little more rationalism in our theology. Or maybe we should just all read Religious Affections by Jonathan Edwards and Dynamics of the Spiritual Life by Richard Lovelace. And maybe we should just throw every Peter Wagner book we own into the trash.


I am so with you on this one. Too many people are fooled into thinking emotional euphorias and chaos are signs of the Holy Spirit.

The more I have seen of Todd Bentley through the internet, the more I 1) think he should be arrested for assault for the way he punches people to heal them 2)have wondered why in the world leadership has been so timid about criticizing him.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see these things.

Josh Potter

It was nice connecting with you and your wife yesterday. I was very cautious about this whole thing, but was willing to give it time. I was always nervous that there was not very much preaching of the gospel. Anyhow, thanks for the post I was wondering what was going on down there.


Great post - and now it seems the depth of this disaster runs even deeper with the recent revelation from John Arnott (posted on his site) that Todd has been "excessively drinking", which may confirm rumors that Bentley was hanging out in bars while in Lakeland.

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