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April 15, 2008



i'm reading your blogroll from my google reader right now and i don't see my blog on your blogroll. what, is my blog not good enough to make it on your blogroll on your google reader? did you really need a place to stay next week when you are up here in mn working on your masters degree to what to be a better blogger? maybe you should work on masters at being a better friend? just kidding... you are so on my "friendroll"!!


Sorry... I forgot to add Justin Mack to my blogroll.

This is probably because I keep his blog in a very special VIP account. When he posts something new my computer automatically shuts down all other programs, begins to play Beethoven's 5th symphony, and smoke begins to come out of my computer.

I do not recommend reading this without checking with your IT Department, your insurance company, and a handful of doctors and lawyers. For many it is just too intense.

If you do think you can handle the anointing on his site go to http://justinmack.typepad.com/

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