I had the opportunity to hear Greg Surratt speak the other day. Greg is the founding pastor of Seacoast Church in South Carolina. What an incredible leader.
He began his ministry career as a youth pastor and was fired three times. He was even fired by his own father! He almost walked out of his ordination exam because he couldn’t answer the questions. He planted Seacoast church and they went five years and plateaued at about 500 people. He said he felt like quitting!
Then he discovered something… he needed to be himself!
He realized that he is not and will never be Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Rob Bell, or Erwin McManus. He needed to discover his own voice!
He said leaders need to discover their own voice.
God has people somewhere, that only you can communicate to and reach. People are looking for authenticity, they are tired of the show. They want a leader who knows who he is and who he is not. A leader who is comfortable in his own skin.
Greg said that, “Leadership begins with you and you will not succeed as a leader until you figure out who you are.”
I think it is important for leaders to figure out who they are as soon as possible and then capitalize on the one or two things you do well.
I am still in the process of figuring that out. In my current position I have to do a variety of things, some of which are not my strengths. But God is teaching me how to identify the strengths I lack in others and give them the opportunity to use those strengths for the Kingdom of God. What an incredible responsibility!
I think the best realization I have ever had since my call to ministry has been that I can serve God and still be myself!
Hey Paul,
Thanks for the props! Keep learning to lead in the unique way God created you.
Posted by: Greg Surratt | February 14, 2007 at 09:00 AM